7 Things You Missed Every Time You Searched Something On Google.

We use google on a daily basis for all our questions, don’t we?

But I am pretty sure we missed at least 50% of what google shows in its search results. Do you think you would have missed some too? Maybe or may not be! Let me take you through the 7 things google shows, every time you search something on it.

Google search bar suggestions:

Even before you complete typing your question, google starts showing a lot of suggestions asking if your search is related to any of the below. It definitely gives us the ease to choose the right keywords and find the search result that we are actually looking for.

Google ad content:

An ad should alway stand out of the crowd or it becomes a deadwood. One of the best places to make something stand out is by making it the first thing amongst the others. That is exactly what google has done. Google has made its ad content to the first thing to show up on your search result to make the ad content stand out. That’s a great thing right. Is this area being utilized enough? Of course! Businesses have started to allocate a major portion of their marketing cost towards Digital Marketing. And that is a very wise move. Without Digital Marketing companies are not going to move any forward in the near future.

Organic content:

The perfect area where your content should always find a place for itself. Organic contents play a major role on your website traffic and responses.

Seeing your content right on the first page of google is like a true bonus. Give yourself the gift of creating a content right on the page one.

It is said that more that 50% people open a content that come right on the top result on page 1 and 30% people look for the content that is on the second position of the search result on page 1 and only 10% look for a content that falls as the third result on the page 1 of your search result.

If your content falls on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or any other page of google, your content is already dead and don’t try to resurrect it.

The best ways to make your content fall on page 1 of search result is by creating a content that add value, relevancy and answers to a core question that is being asked on the internet.

Design of your content matters a lot, not just relevancy.Work on the on and off page SEO for your content.

Watch my video on SEO to understand better on SEO.

Knowledge graph:

A curious thing that falls under the organic content but finds it’s own space in organic content area is knowledge graph.

Google searches for all the pages, posts, contents created on the web that are indexed to google’s library and while showing the best results on page 1, google also shows a part of the content from one of its best search result and that is knowledge graph.

This is one of the key area where you can find answer for your question even before you open and link to draw closer on the google search result.

People also ask:

You are not the only person who is looking for the same content on google, there are million other people too and their search could be a little different from yours and google captures everything.

This the area where google says people also ask for this, do you want to have a look. Many a time you’ll find an answer for what is on your mind, right in this area.

Many a time you’ll find an answer for what is on your mind, right in this area.

Related Searches :

Amidst of sharing and suggesting what people ask for, google also want to show you a list of related searches done by other users. This is shown right above the page numbers of google.

Google search result pages:

Google not only shows you results worth a complete page but shows content worth multiple pages.

But as I mentioned above, if your content is lying on any other page other than the first page, then your content is dead already. So be very careful to work on your content to make it come right on page 1 of the google search result.

Don’t you think this article was quite useful. Didn’t you miss to a notice a few things out of this list until today.

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